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Young Cultural Leaders

Are you passionate about championing diverse leadership in the creative sector and beyond?

Norwich Theatre ‘Young Cultural Leaders Programme’ is designed to offer young people aged 18-30 the opportunity to gain practical skills and learn how to help shape and define leadership. By building key relationships and working collaboratively to lead change in the creative sector and beyond, you will be able to actively contribute to a more diverse, inclusive and sustainable society.

The programme will be based around ten monthly sessions including workshops, guest speakers and learning sets and a series of ten one-to-one sessions using coaching techniques and three events. Monthly sessions will be led by industry professionals and companies who are leading the sector in implementing social change. There will be unique opportunities to take part in industry insights led by the Norwich Theatre senior leadership team.

The programme will provide opportunities for you to:

  • Understand the importance of inclusive leadership practices.
  • Develop an understanding of what creative leadership means to you.
  • Explore your personal development through one to one sessions.
  • Develop skills including creative thinking, negotiating, conflict management and strategic planning.
  • Increase your awareness of the economic, political and social landscape relating to the cultural sector, and wider leadership.
  • Have designed, delivered and evaluated your own event.

Young Cultural Leaders is a rolling two year programme, with the option to opt out after one year, or become a mentor in year two to new members. We are also aiming to link to other cultural organisations across the region to provide opportunities for participants to become part of a governance body in year two.

Norwich Theatre is committed to meeting all participant’s access requirements  –  if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01603 598 624.

How do I apply?

Applications are currently closed for this programme. Keep an eye on this page for our next programme.

Young Cultural Leaders is completely free, but highly selective, so interested participants do need to apply.

Do I need any qualifications, skills or experience to take part?

Not particularly. Your attitude, personality and ambitions are more important to ensure you are able to contribute as much as possible to the group.

The desired criteria

Below is a guide to the desired criteria you can use when applying for the Young Cultural Leaders Programme:

  • Aged between 18-30
  • Highly ambitious to further develop leadership skills, aspiring to governance roles
  • Committed to attending all sessions/one to one opportunities (please see schedule)
  • Interests in deepening your knowledge of approaches to cultural leadership
  • Interests in charitable, social, cultural and creative endeavors
  • Committed to learning skills
  • Committed to taking action for positive social change
  • An interest in governance models